The strive for sustainable development is a continuous process involving the actions of countries, companies and individuals alike. At TÖRST we strive to be at the very forefront regarding sustainability and to act as a role model within the food & beverage industry. Through careful consideration and action along the value chain, we ensure the broad and holistic grasp of sustainability work that we believe can be expected from a modern company.


Conscious sourcing of ingredients is the start of our product as we believe that a high-quality soda stems from the selection of high-quality ingredients. To live up to the standards of what we call a real soda means that the ingredients are kept as ethical, as natural, and as few as possible. TÖRST sodas are organic-, Fairtrade- and Äkta Vara certified and contain no aromas, preservatives or artificial colourings.



The organic certification of TÖRST means that all ingredients are conforming to organic standards - they are cultivated without the usage of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides or GMO crops. Regular reviews by authorized organs ensure a product void of chemical residue and with greater concern of farmers and ecosystems alike.

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Fairtrade focus on reducing inequalities in the global trade market by certification of produce from countries with extensive poverty. Guarantees of higher harvest prices, community premiums directed at long-term investments as well as supporting healthcare, education and infrastructure are aspects that strengthen the communities of small-scale farmers. By choosing a Fairtrade soda from TÖRST you ensure that everyone along the value chain is treated fair from an economical-, social- and environmental point of view.

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Äkta Vara is a certification that ensures that the products are free from additives, aromas and highly processed ingredients. Product information and ingredient declaration has to be transparent, not to mislead the consumer. By choosing a product with the Äkta Vara-mark you are thus ensured a genuine product that is honest and mindfully crafted.

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As a manufacturing company we strive to produce TÖRST with the smallest possible impact on surrounding ecosystems and the environment. Being organically certified we conform to the strict standards thereof – controlling the usage of everything from cleaning chemicals to processing aids. We use mild detergents for cleaning equipment and refrain from using any processing aids in the production of TÖRST sodas.


To further consider the production practices from a sustainability perspective we strive to minimize water usage- and spillage in order to conserve energy. All heat is generated by a highly efficient steam generator - leveraging the electricity, which in Sweden carries a low carbon footprint. No fossil fuels are used in production.

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Packaging TÖRST sodas in lightweight glass bottles came as a natural choice from a sustainability perspective. Apart from aesthetics and product applications such as resealable cork, glass bottles in Sweden are recycled to a very high rate and can be done so to 100% without losing its performance. Further, glass as a material is inert – meaning it neither leaks carbonation nor risks leaching any material into our sodas. This means our sodas will be not only beautifully displayed but also securely packaged for a long shelf life without compromising its quality. We pay an annual fee to Svensk glasåtervinning which is the national organisation that handles glass recycling, meaning you as a consumer can be assured that once you bring empty bottles to your local recycling facility they are being dealt with in a proper manner.

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Our bottles are labelled and packaged without the use of any plastics. We use a water-based adhesive to attach our paper labels, they are packaged in boxes from 100% recycled cardboard and sealed with paper tape. Into every last detail we strive to make sure that TÖRST are presented beautifully and can be indulged without compromising the sustainability of its production



Once products have been sold and left our storage the number of actors and different setups makes the management more complex from a sustainable point of view. We are mainly distributing locally in the greater Stockholm area and have a distribution fleet of up to 30% electrification.


To ensure future generations a planet of peace and prosperity the United Nations have joined together in formulating the basis for a sustainable development - where the needs of today are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. This task of great magnitude and complexity has been formulated into the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

For the production of TÖRST and its impacts along the value chain we are mainly focusing our sustainability efforts within Responsible consumption and production, Climate Action and Life on land. Through the joint efforts of our suppliers and customers we proudly present TÖRST as a soda that is good not only for you but also for the world and people around you.